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Training and correcting inaccurate information given

How do I train the bot regarding incorrect answer which was given to a website visitor?

File upload

I have connected to a custom GPT bot thats premise is around document understanding. I.E a user uploads a pdf document and can then chat with it. I have the function in the OpenAI playground but not in my botsonic. Am I missing something?

calendly text button translation

Hello, I would like to change the text of the "schedule a call" button. Do you know where I can modify this text?

I have a web page with the bot, all good. However, the first question always returns a null response. Is this normal process?

I have a web page with the bot, all good. However, the first question always returns a null response. Is this normal process?

Why is name user not exported?

In the Inbox --> export data i generated an XLSX file. In the column "from" is only the text "user". Why not the name of the user (e.g. "John")

How to forward chat to support department

We want to use the chatbot but if a user is not satisfied with the answer we want to forward the conversation (e.g. by e-mail) to our support department. Is this possible? what is the best way to achieve this?


I asked question in Dutch. The bot had no answer but came back with "Sorry, but I don't have the information about the costs for accreditation. Is there anything else I can assist you with?" Is it possible to have this feedback in the correct language (Dutch?)

Bot recharging

Hi, why do I get the answer "Sorry, our AI is recharging at the moment. Please get in touch with the humans."?

wow gold

Dear immortals, I need some inspiration to create <https://www.wowtot.com>

Sitemap Template

Unable to download the template for the sitemap? Can the link crawl be done automatically?