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Two bots on same data

Hi, I reviewed options in Botsonic Dashboard and I have a question that comes out of my case requirements. I would like to have two types of Bots: 1. Bot for anonymous users - limited, for example 10 messages allowed per week 2. Bot for registered users - unlimited (or maybe with much higher limit) As I understand now I will have to create two bots: and feed them with data separately -correct? This would cost me twice - because of the characters limit, correct? \-- So the main question - is it possible to embed the same bot differently to limit interactions for anonymous users?

Why is my bot displaying 'Recharging' error?

Hi, My bot was up and running for over a week before I started getting: 'Sorry, our AI is recharging at the moment. Please get in touch with the humans at <email address>' Why am I getting this and/or what can I do about it? Thanks, Regards,

Communicating Feelings With the Botsonic

Has anyone had luck in feeding a feelings profile into Botsonic and getting a good response? I am trying to use it for Empathy training, and tried to write a short paragraph about my dislike for ducks, and New York City's high rental prices (for testing :smile:), but I keep getting responses such as "As an AI assistant, I don't have personal feelings or opinions. Is there anything else I can assist you with?". I figured if I ask something like "how do you feel about ducks?" it will pull the sentiment from the source document I uploaded. I know this uses ChatGPT's backbone so there may not be much to customize in order to avoid this. Thanks!

Forbid to reveal the solution of a task

I would like to forbid my bot to reveal the solution of a task. Unfortunately, this does not work at all. I have tried to include this command in several formulations in the Guidlines.

Just started using

I create a chatbot and want to access it form a browser. I have not yet created a formal website. Any ideas on how I can access it?

Is the data I train my bot on secure?

Is the data I train my bot on secure? Who has access to this data?

Multiple errors: PDFs and Web Pages can not be indexed

Bot ID: /f8376ae9-a40b-4e95-9abd-f6511ed9a1c9 Data limit has been reached with just 2 static wab pages and one small test PDF? Add classes tenants! Unexpected status code: 422, with response body: {'error': [{'message': 'open cluster-wide transaction: broadcast open transaction: tx does not tolerate node failures: node(s) weaviate-4 unhealthy or unavailable'}]}.

Test Bot not working

Hi, I did a test bot, trained on some information and it knew nothing. It says, 'I apologize, but I couldn't find the specific information regarding.....' Does it take time for the new knowledge to sink in? It may be pilot error, but unfortunately it doesn't seem very impressive so far, which is a shame because it has so much potential. I tested exacly the same information in textcortext and it worked first time.

i ran out of storage how do i upgrade?

i ran out of storage how do i upgrade

Robots responding in the wrong language

All settings are made so that the robot only responds in Brazilian Portuguese, but it still responds in English occasionally.