Embed Iframe

Step 1 - View the Bot Settings

Go to your "Your Bots" Page and click on a bot. If you haven't created a Bot yet, read this Quick Start Guide.

Step 2 - Copy the iframe Embed Snippet

  1. Click [Integrations] from the left hand side menu, then click [Embed on your website]
  2. Click the [copy] icon to copy the snippet into your clipboard

  1. Replace bot.writesonic.com with your website name


  1. For tracking the bot, replace bot.writesonic.com/c806c4b4-5243-4177-8d51-feaa4d624135?t=connect&workspace_id=55fba634-a892-40b0-acf6-050d829c9ad2 with your website URL


NOTE: To track the bot's performance across different pages, replace the same in 'page-url' with your website's URL.

Step 3 - Paste the Iframe Code on the Webpage

Find the appropriate place in your HTML code to insert the iframe then paste the iframe code in there.

  • If you want to embed the iframe on your own website, open the HTML file where you want to insert the code.
  • If you're using a platform like WordPress, Wix, or a similar website builder, navigate to the page where you want to add the iframe.

Step 4 - Check for Errors

If you see a "forbidden" message, this means that your website is trying to use a bot or script that hasn't been given permission to run on that site. To fix this, you need to whitelist your website's hostname. Read and follow this step by step guide on How to Whitelist Hostnames for Embedding Bots on Your Website