How to Add Custom Guidelines for the Chatbot

Learn how to fine tune your bot ‘s automatically generated responses by adding customized instructions

Guidelines serve as valuable tools to enhance your chatbot's interactions, leading to an elevated customer experience. They allow you to tailor specific instructions for various aspects of the chatbot's behavior, including its tone, preferred phrases, formatting, and adherence to standardized language. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your chatbot communicates effectively, aligns with your brand's voice, and consistently delivers helpful and engaging responses to users.

Step 1 - Access the Bot's Guideline Settings

  1. Go to your "Your Bots" Page and click on a bot. If you haven't created a Bot yet, read this Quick Start Guide

  1. Click [Guidelines] then click [Add new]

Step 2 - Add a Guideline

  1. Add a Title or a name to describe the guideline.

  1. Select a category (tone, phrase, standardize, format, other) and add instructions. Instructions can be context specific or can be universal for multiple types of inquiries.


The tone guideline defines the desired style or attitude of communication that the chatbot should employ when interacting with users. It includes aspects such as friendliness, professionalism, empathy, and brand personality. The tone guideline ensures that the chatbot's responses resonate with the intended audience and reflect the organization's values and communication goals.


  • Make the sure the tone of the responses is professional and not too salesy or casual
  • Be emphatic to any issues or queries that the users reports


Preferred phrases are like the chatbot's go-to lines, such as friendly greetings, helpful tips, and polite farewells that keep conversations smooth and easy. Using positive and helpful language can enhance the user experience and encourage continued engagement with the chatbot. Avoiding dismissive or negative language ensures respectful and effective communication with users.


  • Don't use the phrase "I don't have this in context" as a response
  • Never use the phrase "You're wrong"


Response standardization is about keeping things consistent. It's like having a rulebook for how the chatbot talks. By sticking to the same names, descriptions, and instructions, the chatbot can make sure it's always giving the right info in the right way.


  • When quoting prices always consider the default currency as USD, if not stated otherwise
  • When the user expresses how happy they are with your help, respond with "Thanks for reaching out, happy to help!"


Formatting guidelines dictate how the chatbot's responses should be visually presented to users. This includes considerations such as paragraph structure, use of bullet points or numbered lists, formatting of text (e.g., bold, italic), and spacing. Formatting guidelines aim to enhance readability, organization, and clarity of information, making it easier for users to understand and digest the content provided by the chatbot.


  • Use bullet points while summarising long form content
  • Refrain from using all capital letters as it can be perceived as shouting and may come across as rude or aggressive.


For anything else, choose this option for any guidelines that don't belong to any specific categories


Note: The scenarios listed here are suggestions to guide chatbot behavior. These are not exhaustive, and we encourage testing and refinement for scenarios unique to your operations.

Step 3 - Save and enable the guideline

  1. Click the [Save] button

  2. Then toggle ON when you're ready to enable the guideline.

    You can also toggle ON, edit, or delete the guideline from the Guidelines page.